Works in Progress

Green Fingers – Green Thumbs



This is a collection of essays under the title Green Fingers – Green Thumbs: Creative Reflections about the Landscape of South East Queensland. The publication will act as a catalyst, alerting readers, community groups, the media, and government, to the unusual and precious heritage that lies in the green areas currently separating the continuous urban conurbation. Impassioned writers, poets, artists and performers reveal their subjective engagement with the ‘green’ of South-East Queensland. Apart from the important natural areas, the green areas include the subtle history of farmlands and the sense of hope for a range of people that was embodied in their small rural enterprises including migrant market gardeners, cane farmers, and dairy farmers. The writers include Clive James, artists, William Robinson, musicians, Powderfinger. Their contributions will build on the legacy of the poet, Judith Wright, by heralding the value of South East Queensland’s green areas and their important role in a new 21st century urban form.


Migrant Gardens



This is a book that explores Heidegger’s belief that ‘to dwell is to garden’. It will consist of ten chapters, each describing particular migrant groups and their gardens in both their original countries and Australia. The different gardeners describe their gardens in terms of favourite recipes and their love of plants.


A Heritage of Migrant Places: Migrant Place-Making in Australia



This book will reveals the unusual way that cultures are transformed in new countries. It looks at how inner areas of Australian cities are urban landscapes, richly layered with the presence of migrant groups. It explores a range of migrant groups, Lebanese, Greek, Vietnamese, and Maltese, and the way their cultural practices have responded to the particular conditions in Australia at the time of their migration, resulting in places that echo their stories.


Published Books


Armstrong, Helen (2016) Migrant Place-making in Australia, LAMBERT Academic Publishing: Saarbrücken

Armstrong, Helen (2016) Marginal Landscapes, ISBN: 978-0-9945673-0-7, Apple iBooks





Armstrong, H.1983. Sydney Street Trees, Cultural Landscape Research Unit Publication. University of New South Wales, Sydney.
Armstrong, H.1991. Environmental Heritage Survey. Cultural Landscape Research Unit Publication. University of New South Wales, Sydney.
Armstrong, H. 1995. Migrant Heritage Places in Australia: A Guide for Identification. Australian Heritage Commission Publication, Canberra.
Armstrong, H. 2002. Landscape on the Downside: Peter Latz Design Master Class. QUT publication, Brisbane.


Chapters in Books


Armstrong, HB. 1994. Inventing Landscape: New collaborative design, in Edquist H, Bird V, (eds) The Culture of Landscape, Melbourne, Edge Publishing, 117-135.
Armstrong HB. 1994 Sustaining urban heritage in multicultural cities, in Neary SJ, Symes MS, Brown FE, (eds) The Urban Experience, London, E & FN Spon, 479-487.
Armstrong, HB.1994 Cultural continuity in multicultural suburban places, in Gibson & Watson (eds) Metropolis Now, Sydney, Pluto Press, 102-104.
Armstrong, HB.1998. Migrant Placemaking: a Mode of Communication, in Gumpert,G. & Drucker,S.J. (eds) The Huddled Masses: Communication and Immigration Hampton Press: New Jersey. 285-301.
Armstrong, HB. 2001. Shifting Meaning: Multicultural Sydney’s Public Realm, In Mossop, E. & Walton, P. (eds) City Spaces: Art and Design. Sydney: Craftsman House. 39-44.
Armstrong, H. (2002) ‘Post-industrial sites: a Master Class with Peter Latz’ in Armstrong (ed) Landscapes from the Downside ,Brisbane: QUT Publication pp 14-27.
Armstrong, H. (2005) ‘Beyond the Hedonistic Playground’ in Lehmann, S. (ed) Absolutely Public, Mulgrave, Victoria: Images Publishing , 30-34.
Armstrong, H. (2010) ‘Accepting the Ugly’ in Adrienne Goehler (ed) Examples to Follow! (zur nachahmung empfohlen! expeditions in aesthetics and sustainability, Ostfildern, Germany: Hatje Cantz, 203-209
Armstrong, Helen & Lopez-Mellick, Abby (2016) ‘Re-Ruralising the Urban Edge: Lessons from Europe, USA & the Global South’ in Maheshwari, B., Singh, V.P., Thoradeniya, B. (eds) Balanced Urban Development: Options and Strategies for Liveable Cities, Switzerland: Springer Open, 17-28.


Reports – (available in Queensland University of Technology bookshop)


Armstrong, H. (editor) (2001), ‘Interpreting Cultural Landscapes: Theoretical Framework,’ Report 1, Investigating the Cultural Landscapes of Queensland: CONTESTED TERRAINS Series, Brisbane: Cultural Landscape Research Unit, QUT publication.
Armstrong, H, O’Hare, D. & Sim, J. (editors) (2001), ‘Contests and Management Issues,’ Report 3, Investigating the Cultural Landscapes of Queensland: CONTESTED TERRAINS Series, Brisbane: Cultural Landscape Research Unit, QUT publication.
Sim, J. and H. Armstrong (editors) (2001), ‘Reports of the Case Studies,’ Report 4, Investigating the Cultural Landscapes of Queensland: CONTESTED TERRAINS Series, Brisbane: Cultural Landscape Research Unit, QUT publication.




Armstrong, H, Burton C. 1988. “Profiles of 20th Century Australian Designers – Richard Clough”. 55 min. video. Audio-visual Unit, University of New South Wales.
Armstrong, H, Burton C.1989. “Profiles of 20th Century Australian Designers – Bruce Rickard and Harry Howard”. 25 min. video. Audio-visual Unit, University of New South Wales.