Cultural Landscapes


Armstrong, H. 1985 “18th Century Influences of Street Planting in New South Wales”Landscape Australia. Refereed section, Vol.3.1985. Pp 200-212.
Armstrong, H. 1989. “Urban and Rural Avenues in the Australian Landscape” Landscape Research. Vol. 14, No. 2. Pp 22-26.
Armstrong, H. 1990. “Australian Cities and Their Past”, Landscape Australia. Vol.2, 90. Pp 143-148.
Armstrong, H. 2001. ‘Investigating Queensland’s Cultural Landscapes: Whose Heritage?’ in Cotter, M.M., Boyd, W.E., & Gardiner, J.E. (eds) Heritage Landscapes: Understanding Place and Communities. Southern Cross University Press, Lismore, NSW. pp81-90.
Armstrong, H. 2002 ‘Sustaining Cultural Landscapes as Sites of Production’ in Macarthur, John & Moulis, Anthony (eds) ADDITIONS to Architectural History, XIXth conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, Brisbane : SAHANZ 2002, pdf file 18pp.


Design Theory


Armstrong, H. 1993. “Creative Village – New Collaborative Design” in Periphery, No. 14 Feb 1993, pp 6-11.
Armstrong, H. 1999. ‘Whither the Public Realm: Terrains Vagues and the new Realists’ in Landscape Australia, Vol. 21 No.4, 287-290.
Armstrong, H. 1999. ‘Vibrant Cosmopolitanism or Understated Australian: Australian Landscape Practice in the ‘space-in-between’, in Kerb #6. 26-31.
Armstrong, H. 1999. ‘Design studios as research: an emerging paradigm for landscape architecture’ in Landscape Review1999:5(2). 5-25.
Armstrong, H. & Robbins, D. 1999 ‘Design through debate: a new studio’ in Landscape Review 1999:5 (2). 59-78.
Armstrong, H. 2000. ‘Design as Research: Creative Works and the Design Studio as Scholarly Practice’In Architectural Theory Review. Vol 5(2) November 2000.1-14.
Armstrong, H. 2002. ‘Spectacle and Tourism as the Faustian Bargain: Sustaining the Myths of Landscape’ in Gordon, E. (ed) Spatial Experience: Media and the Production of Place, special edition of Spectator, USC Journal of Film and Television Criticism, 12-25.
Armstrong, H. 2003 ‘Interpreting Landscapes/Places/Architecture: The Place For Hermeneutics In Design Theory And Practice.’ In Architectural Theory Review, Vol 8 (1) pp 63-79.
Armstrong, H. (2009) ‘Reworking the Landscape Idea’ in (eds) Lilli Licka and Eva Schwab Conference Proceedings LANDSCAPE-GREAT IDEA! X-LARCH III, BOKU April 29th – May 1st, Vienna 2009, Part II, Keynotes, Vienna: ILA BOKU publication, pp 13-26


Migration & Place


Armstrong, H. 2001. ‘Migrant Cultural Landscapes: Collisions of Culture in Australia’s Pluralist Cities’ in Landscape Australia 23(1). 57-60.
Armstrong, H. 2002. ‘Landscapes of Hope: Migrant Spaces on the Margins’ in DE-PLACING DIFFERENCE, Architecture, Culture and Imaginative geography. CAMEA 3rd Symposium, University of Adelaide, pp 203-216.
Stewart, S. Hanna, B., Thompson, S. Gusheh, M. Armstrong, H. van der Plaat. ‘ Navigating the Sea of Diversity: Multicultural Place-making in Sydney’ in Mary Kalantis & Paul James (eds) International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations, Volume 3, 2003′.pp 233-246.


Heritage Theory


Armstrong H. 1994 The myths of heritage: inconsistencies in a multicultural new world, in 5 Polemic, 5(2), 83-101.
Armstrong, H. 1997 ‘Migrant Heritage Places in Australia’. Historic Environment V13.No 2. Pp12-24.


New Forms of Green


Allison, J & Armstrong, H. 2003. ‘New Forms of Green for Coastal Conurbations: Sustaining Rural Land on the Urban Periphery’ Proceedings of State of Australian Cities, Sydney
Armstrong, Helen (2006) ‘Post-Urban/Suburban Landscapes: Design and Planning the Centre, Edge, and In-Between’ in After Sprawl: Post-Suburban Sydney, the e-Proceedings of the 2005 ‘Post-Suburban Sydney: The City in Transformation’ Conference,


Australian Landscape Designers


Armstrong, H. 1993 The Influence of Landscape Planning & Design Precedents in Late 20th Century Australia in The Australian Planner published by School of Town Planning UNSW. Pp 12-20.


Garden Design


Armstrong H. 1994. Review of Australian Garden Styles, in Landscape Australia 1994 Garden Design Conference Proceedings, Melbourne, March, Victoria, Landscape Publications, 8-13.
Armstrong, H. 1998. “Migrants’ domestic gardens: a people-plant expression of the experience of migration.” In Proceedings of International Conference, Towards a New Millenium in People-Plant Relationships. (eds) Burchett, Tarran & Wood. University of Technology, July 1998.Sydney. 28-35.



Marginal Landscapes


Armstrong, Helen (2006) ‘Time, Dereliction and Beauty: an Argument for “Landscapes of Contempt”’ in the landscape architect, May 2006, the International Federation of Landscape Architects Conference papers ‘time’ published by AILA, Canberra, pp 116-128
Armstrong, H. (2007) ‘Sydney: No Shades of Grey’ in Liquid Cities, a Conversation between Sydney and Berlin, 3-5 Oct 2007, Customs House, Sydney
Armstrong, H. (2010) ‘Accepting the Ugly’ in Adrienne Goehler (ed) Examples to Follow! (zur nachahmung empfohlen! expeditions in aesthetics and sustainability, Ostfildern, Germany: Hatje Cantz, 203-209
Armstrong, Helen (2010) ‘ Writing In and On the Margins’ Global Media Journal, Australian Edition, Vol4, Issue 2, 2010 Interventions and Intersections: School of Communication Arts Postgraduate Conference, June 2010 pdf
Armstrong, H. (2011) ‘Re-Enchanting the Industrial in the City’, in Proceedings 3rd International Subtropical Cities Conference: Beyond Climate Change, 8-11 March, 2011, Fort Lauderdale, Florida (eds) Anthony Abbate, Kasama Polakit, Rosemary Kennedy, published by Florida Atlantic University, http://www.subtropicalcities Armstrong pdf, pp80-91.




Cultural landscapes Research Unit
Urban Frontiers State of Australian Cities National Conference
Peri-urban rural planning
Global Design Studio